What are the responsibilities of an app dev company?
Published 12/22/2021, 1:12:00 PM • Mobile App Development

When a client made up their mind to outsource their project to an app dev company, they must be thinking some great things from them in terms of services they receive.
As the name suggests, an app dev company provides you with app development on your project. People with the necessary skills are working in an integrated manner within the company.
We have provided a detailed explanation about what to expect from hiring an app dev company and what are their responsibilities in the first place.
Team members in an app dev company
Talking about the responsibilities of an app dev company, we need to go one step back and mention team members that would be present within the company.
For a company to provide app development services, they much as few members to begin with. We have tried to add all the main people, although there could be people more than one belonging to the same skillset.
Project Manager
There’s only one nontechnical person within an app dev company who plays a vital role in connecting clients with team members.
Whether it’s fulfilling timeline commitments, providing an update to the client, or feedback to developers, all of these responsibilities come under the project manager.
In some app dev companies, a project manager is also known as a product manager while both of these people have a similar task.
Responsibilities of PM
The Project manager has a lot of responsibilities on their shoulder. They are directly answered to the companies executives as well as to clients.
They will oversee the project status, connect team members when the need arises and create documentation on updates and requirements for each project change.
They keep active at all times whether it’s out of duty time only so that client feels special and that their needs are being fulfilled professionally.
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UI/UX designer
All of the mobile apps need to show content attractively. This is something a designer will do.
For apps, there’s more than simply showing designs, it’s also the process that the user will perform within the app.
That process for software is known as User Experience or UX. All of which comes under the jurisdiction of a UI/UX designer or simply graphics designer.
Responsibilities of UI/UX designer
When an app is formed after the prototype phase, it first goes towards the UI/UX designer. The designer performs research on existing designs and creates something on their understanding.
These designs are further improved with the help of client feedback. Once approved, these designs will be provided to the front-end developer.
Frontend Developer
An app doesn’t only show images created by a graphic designer, they perform some calculations on it.
These calculations or in other words logic is created by a front-end developer. The mobile front end includes all the details that users see on their mobile devices.
Responsibilities of a frontend developer
Based on the technology stack selected by the client, the front-end developer is responsible to translate their business logic into actual code.
It could be built on native technology or hybrid, the role of the front-end developer is to replicate the designs provided by UI/UX designer so that it’s a usable mobile app.
Backend Developer
Most of the enterprise apps have a database and server where the database is hosted. This is a new level of detail that needs a separate resource to handle.
A backend developer is a right person for the job as they will create database schema, logic, and even an environment where all of this logic is stored.
Responsibilities of a Backend developer
The main responsibility of the backend developer is to work with the front-end developer in providing web services for the app.
As almost every app is not uploading and downloading data from the cloud (server), the app needs Web APIs to communicate with the backend or server.
The server includes all the logic and database where data is being stored. The backend developer is also responsible to secure the database from any possible cyber attacks.
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QA engineer
A client is expecting an app dev company to offer mobile apps of great quality. This quality is first checked within the app dev company under a strict checklist.
A quality Assurance engineer is a tester who uses the app before it launches so that any issues faced by them are rectified by front-end or back-end developers.
Responsibilities of QA engineer
Testing the app and checking for any disruptions is first documented and then provided to the developer to fix.
There may be possible that fixes take a lot of time so versions of the app keep of upgraded as the fixes are applied.
Role of QA follows up even after the app is released, as to keep checking the app feedback from users and provide documentation and sent towards development team to make it fixed.
Interested to hire an app dev company for your project?
If you have an idea that needs to be translated into an actual mobile app, you need an app dev company. Simply, contact SleekDigital, which is a professional mobile app development company from Singapore providing solutions of the highest order.